Friday, July 10, 2009

trudge is a funny word.

well, it's been a while. i haven't been writing much on this thing as i would like, but i'd like to blame the fact that i bought a new cardboard-covered moleskin. so. sorry, blogspot. i've been cheating on you.

it's funny how fast time trudges along and how steadily some of us mature. i say that because i will be on-campus next semester. it'll be interesting having to juggle school, my M199 [free labor, really, for the bible college doing various things like landscaping and dishwashing for 8 hours a week], working at jamba juice, leading the youth, and curfews. i know the Lord'll make a way for these to all work out. if certain things need to be set aside for a while, then so be it. i'm just eager to see how it all plays out.

this summer has been seemingly short. before i knew it, here's vbs. oh, AND regen. next month? school [WHAT? already?]. after that? matt's wedding. like i said, time's a fast trudger. i find it amazing how i've been able to keep up. thanks, God. You're really somethin.

now, onward to finishing my study for the gathering tonight.

*cue abrupt ending*

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